New Mexico State Library

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April Online Training Opportunities – FREE

Check out the Professional Development Calendar for more information and to register for the following FREE online training opportunities:

Apr. 4: Raising Your Library’s Community Profile (Washington State Library)
Apr. 25: Build Your Political Literacy Skills for Advocacy (WebJunction)
Apr. 26: Lights, Camera, Advocacy to Action: Digital Storytelling for Libraries (TechSoup)
Apr. 26: Collecting Library User Feedback: Free! high tech and low tech options that will meet your needs (Nebraska Library Commission)

Apr. 4: Preparing for the Worst: Disaster Prep and Recovery for Nonprofits and Libraries (TechSoup)
Apr. 13: Is Your Agency Blind to Cyber Risks? (GovLoop)
Apr. 14: Crisis in the Library: Are You Prepared? (Colorado Virtual Library)
Apr. 18: Learning from Your Patrons: An Introduction to User Research (Colorado State Library)
Apr. 19: 2020 Vision: What Leaders Need to Know to Navigate the Next Few Years and Beyond (American Management Association)
Apr. 19: Using Statistical Data to Support Your Library (Wyoming State Library)
Apr. 19: Effective Strategic Planning Part 2: Plan Development (4Good)
Apr. 19: Using GIS: A Better Way to Assess Public Libraries (Federal Depository Library Program)
Apr. 26: Collecting Library User Feedback: Free! high tech and low tech options that will meet your needs (Nebraska Library Commission)
Apr. 27: Using Project Outcome to Measure & Build a Better Summer Library Program (Public Library Association)

Apr. 6: Successfully Integrating For-Profit Board Members (GrantSpace)
Apr. 20: Involving your Board Members in Fundraising From Day 1 (Bloomerang)
Apr. 20: Turn Your Website Into a Membership Growth Engine (Wild Apricot)

Apr. 5: Explicit and Implicit Biases in Early Childhood Education: Becoming Aware of Microaggressions (Early Childhood Investigations)
Apr. 5: Step Outdoors with Digital Storytelling: Integrating Storytelling & Science (edWeb)
Apr. 20: 60 Tools in 60 Minutes (School Library Journal)
Apr. 25: More than Storytime: Outreach to Childcare Centers and Preschools (The iSchool at UW-Madison)
Apr. 27: Using Project Outcome to Measure & Build a Better Summer Library Program (Public Library Association)

Apr. 4: Spring Picture Books! (Booklist)
Apr. 11: Middle-Grade Reading, Spring 2017 (Booklist)
Apr. 11: Sleeper Hits for Summer 2017 (Library Journal)
Apr. 12: Building a Digital Image Collection With Flickr: A low (or no) cost way to share your digital assets (Nebraska Library Commission)
Apr. 12: Planning for and Managing Storage for Digital Collections (Federal Depository Library Program)
Apr. 12: Informational Books for Storytime (Infopeople)
Apr. 17: It’s In the Bag! Kits of All Types and for All Ages! (Idaho Commission for Libraries)
Apr. 20: Going Digital (Lyrasis)

Apr. 5: One Brand…Many Audiences: An Integrated Approach to Communications (4Good)
Apr. 5: Explicit and Implicit Biases in Early Childhood Education: Becoming Aware of Microaggressions (Early Childhood Investigations)
Apr. 12: Brand architecture: Rethinking how you connect the dots of your programs (GuideStar)
Apr. 12: Engage Constituents with Your Website (Firespring)
Apr. 25: Grabbing Learner Attention (Insync)
Apr. 26: Lights, Camera, Advocacy to Action: Digital Storytelling for Libraries (TechSoup)

Apr. 28: Database of the Month: In Context (Wyoming State Library)

Apr. 4: Three Steps to Thriving in Chaos (Effectiveness Institute)
Apr. 20: Veterans and Mental Health – Suicide Prevention (Infopeople)
Apr. 25: Grabbing Learner Attention (Insync)
Apr. 25: 7 Coaching Strategies To Develop A Positive Workplace Culture and Training Success (Training Magazine Network)
Apr. 25: Build Your Political Literacy Skills for Advocacy (WebJunction)
Apr. 26: All For Tech & Tech For All pt. 1 (Utah State Library)
Apr. 26: The Top Nonprofit Tools Used by the Pros (Wild Apricot)

Apr. 6: Fundraising 101: The Fundraising Cycle – What Is It, and How Do You Make It Work for Your Mission? (Charity How To)
Apr. 6: Crowdfunding 101 (Firespring)
Apr. 11: Fundraising 101: The Campaign Feasibility Assessment – Can You Do it on Your Own? (Charity How To)
Apr. 11: Nonprofit 911: The Anatomy of a Major Gift Ask (Network for Good)
Apr. 13: Inside Innovation Funding: Exploring Philanthropy at the Intersection of Problem-Solving, Technology and Design (GrantSpace)
Apr. 20: Involving your Board Members in Fundraising From Day 1 (Bloomerang)
Apr. 26: Top Seven Fundraising Tips, as Featured in Nonprofit Fundraising 101 (Nonprofit Hub)
Apr. 27: 7 Steps for Getting Started in Major Gifts (Even in Small Shops) (Charity How To)

Apr. 12: Introduction to Legal Issues in Collections Management (Connecting to Collections Care)

Apr. 19: Re-evaluating Existing Library Spaces and Furnishings on a Budget (Demco)
Apr. 26: How Natural Outdoor Classrooms Can Help Address Behavioral Challenges and Support Children’s Well-Being (Early Childhood Investigations)

Apr. 4: Influencing for Change in a Divided World (Training Industry)
Apr. 5: Making Space: Administrative Weeding (Nebraska Library Commission)
Apr. 5: Effective Time Management Techniques to Teach Your Employees (Training Magazine Network)
Apr. 10: Revolutionizing Customer Service (Harvard Business Review)
Apr. 11: Bozarthzone! Turning Stress into Power (Insync)
Apr. 12: Managing Culture and Diversity in the Global Workplace (American Management Association)
Apr. 12: Fuel Yourself to Fulfill your Mission: Self-Care Tips for Social Impact Leaders (4Good)
Apr. 25: 7 Coaching Strategies To Develop A Positive Workplace Culture and Training Success (Training Magazine Network)
Apr. 26: The Top Nonprofit Tools Used by the Pros (Wild Apricot)

Apr. 4: Raising Your Library’s Community Profile (Washington State Library)
Apr. 4:Five Self-Publishing Faux Pas to Avoid in the Library (Library Journal)
Apr. 6: 3 Easy Ways to Retain More Members Using Software (Wild Apricot)
Apr. 12: Build an Engagement Plan for Successful Outreach (North Carolina Library Association)
Apr. 13: The Inclusive Library – Providing Service to Your Refugee and Immigrant Communities (Texas State Library and Archives Commission)
Apr. 18: Civility Goes Viral: A New Approach for a New Era (WebJunction)
Apr. 20: Creating Community – Promoting Choice, Voice and Connectivity via Free Apps (The TLT Group)
Apr. 25: More than Storytime: Outreach to Childcare Centers and Preschools (The iSchool at UW-Madison)

Apr. 4: Cheap and Easy: An Introduction to Passive Programming (The iSchool at UW-Madison)
Apr. 6: Successfully Implementing Volunteer Program Changes (VolunteerMatch)
Apr. 26: How Natural Outdoor Classrooms Can Help Address Behavioral Challenges and Support Children’s Well-Being (Early Childhood Investigations)
Apr. 27: The Art of Coding (Infopeople)

Apr. 4: Spring Picture Books! (Booklist)
Apr. 11: Middle-Grade Reading, Spring 2017 (Booklist)
Apr. 11: Sleeper Hits for Summer 2017 (Library Journal)
Apr. 12: Informational Books for Storytime (Infopeople)

Apr. 5: PubMed for Librarians: Building and Refining Your Search (National Network of Libraries of Medicine)
Apr. 12: PubMed for Librarians: Using Evidence-Based Search Features (National Network of Libraries of Medicine)
Apr. 19: PubMed for Librarians: Customization with My NCBI (National Network of Libraries of Medicine)
Apr. 20: Librarian’s Guide to Trade Data Part 6: Import and Export Codes (Federal Depository Library Program)
Apr. 20: Quick Data Tools (U.S. Census Bureau)

Apr. 5: Step Outdoors with Digital Storytelling: Integrating Storytelling & Science (edWeb)
Apr. 6: Closing the Gender Gap in Computer Science Begins in Elementary School (edWeb)
Apr. 6: Bringing Coding to the Makerspace (School Library Journal)
Apr. 15: Google Training: Learn How to Use Collaborative Google Tools Step-by-Step (SimpleK12)
Apr. 18: 15 Free STEM-tastic Tools for Educators (SimpleK12)
Apr. 18: 10 Free Ways to STEM the Gap (SimpleK12)
Apr. 20: 60 Tools in 60 Minutes (School Library Journal)
Apr. 20: How to Make Blended Learning Work in Your School (Booklist)

Apr. 12: Building a Digital Image Collection With Flickr: A low (or no) cost way to share your digital assets (Nebraska Library Commission)
Apr. 12: Planning for and Managing Storage for Digital Collections (Federal Depository Library Program)
Apr. 15: Google Training: Learn How to Use Collaborative Google Tools Step-by-Step (SimpleK12)
Apr. 18: 15 Free STEM-tastic Tools for Educators (SimpleK12)
Apr. 18: 10 Free Ways to STEM the Gap (SimpleK12)
Apr. 20: Going Digital (Lyrasis)
Apr. 20: Turn Your Website Into a Membership Growth Engine (Wild Apricot)
Apr. 20: Bozarthzone! Social Media for Trainers (Insync)
Apr. 20: Creating Community – Promoting Choice, Voice and Connectivity via Free Apps (The TLT Group)
Apr. 26: All For Tech & Tech For All pt. 1 (Utah State Library)
Apr. 27: The Art of Coding (Infopeople)

Apr. 5: Effective Time Management Techniques to Teach Your Employees (Training Magazine Network)
Apr. 20: Veterans and Mental Health – Suicide Prevention (Infopeople)
Apr. 20: Developing a Strategy for Inclusion and Diversity (American Alliance of Museums)
Apr. 20: Bozarthzone! Social Media for Trainers (Insync)

Apr. 4: Developing a Strategic Plan for Volunteer Engagement (VolunteerMatch)
Apr. 6: Successfully Implementing Volunteer Program Changes (VolunteerMatch)
Apr. 18: Understanding Soft Risk in Volunteer Engagement (VolunteerMatch)
Apr. 20: Engaging Pro Bono and Skills-Based Volunteers (VolunteerMatch)
Apr. 25: Re-Energize your Volunteer Program by Designing Mission-Driven Opportunities (VolunteerMatch)

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